Disability and housing conditions

Mar 15, 2017 | Research

Findings from the 2013 Disability Survey showed people in rented homes were more likely than people in owner-occupied to report difficulty keeping their house warm. 25 percent of disabled people reported having difficulty keeping their home warm, compared with 18 percent of non-disabled people.

More than 30 percent of disabled people who rent experience damp. The rate for non-disabled renters was just less than 25 percent.

The 2013 Disability Survey also found one in six people with an impairment (16 percent) needed some modification to their homes – most commonly changes to their bathroom. One in four (25 percent) disabled people with a physical impairment needed bathroom modifications and about one in six (17 percent) said they needed changes to their home entranceway.

See Disability and housing conditions: 2013 for more details

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