HNZ housing stock transfer in Christchurch

Feb 8, 2017 | Submissions

Here are the presentations from Treasury and MSD.

MSD 20170201 Purchasing Strategy Presentation – CHCH.pdf

TSY Stock Tsfr 2 Feb 2017 TWCHPN.pdf

CHA CEO, Scott Figenshow, says “We learned a lot about the crown retained investment and how it can work to provide equity for community housing providers”.

A submission was prepared for the Market Sounding process that reflects the discussion at the network meeting as well as discussions with individual providers. CHA have made our best efforts to provide a coordinated submission reflecting the consensus views as they have been expressed in the limited time available. Other organisations may make their own submission. The views expressed in the attached submission may not be shared by all organisations who are a part of Te Waipounamu community housing network.

Cover to market sounding feedback twchpn.pdf

TWCHPN Market Sounding Response – FINAL 3 Feb 2017.pdf

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