Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

“The social housing needed by these people is not currently available in sufficient quantity and present Government actions are not delivering sufficient affordable homes,” says the Salvation Army.
For families without housing, it is common for them to be homeless for up to six months before the situation can be resolved. More than 49% of the respondents had not been in contact with the Ministry of Social Development, the Government agency responsible to address housing need in New Zealand.
“We hope by publicising the situation of these children and their families in this report, the Government and local authorities will be spurred to act with more urgency than we are currently seeing,” says Director of The Salvation Army’s Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit, Major Sue Hay.
“Auckland cannot be the world’s most liveable city and fail to house its people,” she says.
The Salvation Army report makes seven recommendations it believes will better address the situation of people without housing.
Two of these recommendations are:
•Government developing a programme to increase the supply of social housing by 1000 houses a year in Auckland over the next 10 years, or until waiting lists reduce to less than 100
•Improved access to the Ministry of Social Development for people who have acute housing needs.
CHA submission on the Treaty Principles Bill
Wellbeing Series - Importance of Sleep
Choosing the right site for your community housing project can save time and money. If you get it wrong, it can be costly.