Kitset homes a good idea but a long-term plan is needed says CHA Director, Scott Figenshow

Jul 18, 2016 | News

Photo: Wikicommons

The government is in talks to build between 100 and 140 modular homes in three locations in South Auckland, with tenants moving in by Autumn next year.

Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett said the homes will consist of mostly one or two bedroom units, and be built on land earmarked for future development.Ms Bennett said some of the homes would only be available for three to five years, but others up to 25 years.

Community Housing Aotearoa director Scott Figenshow said kitset homes should not be built without other funding and services in place.

The government’s kitset plan was ad hoc and short term and much more effort should be put into a 10-year plan for housing, he said.

“It isn’t just at least a warm dry home, there’s got to be the support there and there’s got to be the path that gets families back on their feet.

“There’s no excuse for New Zealanders not living in a warm dry house, we’re better than that.

“So where’s the commitment to all New Zealanders being well housed, where is the access to the income supports and employment,” Mr Figenshow said.

“The problem has gotten far worse than it needed to get” – Scott Figenshow on Morning Report duration 6′ :21″

Read more here.

Read more about the Government’s plan for social housing here.

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