Kiwis want KiwiBuild

Jul 5, 2018 | News

“The KiwiBuild Unit officially opened its doors to the public today, and they didn’t so much as enter, but break the door down,” Phil Twyford said

“By 10am this morning 1000 registrations had been received, 2800 by lunchtime, and 5950 by 4.45pm. At one point the KiwiBuild Unit was receiving 15 registrations a minute.

Phil Twyford was at the BuildNZ KiwiBuild Summit to announce the opening of registrations and the eligibility criteria for KiwiBuild buyers.

The Summit brought together industry leaders from across the building, planning, property, manufacturing and development sector to discuss KiwiBuild.

“These are the people that will make KiwiBuild happen. I was struck by their enthusiasm for KiwiBuild and the refreshing can-do attitude they are bringing to the table.

“When you take the response from the public who want these houses, the response from the people who know how to build these houses and the response from developers and the manufacturing sector who will deliver these houses, I’m confident that KiwiBuild will be the game changer our residential housing sector needs,” said Phil Twyford.




Read the story on Scoop here.

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