Our Place feedback

Oct 20, 2016 | News

Members can log in and provide feedback below, other stakeholders can email your feedback to [email protected].

You can find the plan here: Our Place October 2016 final.pdf

and more detail on the actions here.

Please think about these areas to provide feedback:

1.Are the vision, objectives and goals of Our Place 2016 relevant?

2.Are the UN housing adequacy areas – secure, habitable, accessible, affordable and culturally appropriate; useful as a framework to define all New Zealanders well-housed?

3.How do the actions align with the work that your organisation is involved in? What other actions would you like to see included?

4.What could your organisation’s contribution be to meeting the goal of Our Place — 50,000 more people housed by 2020?

5.What can CHA do to support your organisation to provide more homes?

6.Are the measurements the right ones, or do they need to change?

7.Any other comment?

8.Does your organisation support the Our Place 2016 plan?

Thank you for your feedback

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