Park up for Homes- the housing emergency in New Zealand

Jun 21, 2016 | News

Graphic by Toby Morris RNZ

Read the news reports here:

New Zealand Herald talks about Park up for Homes: where hundreds spend the night in cars in support of homeless families. And here Park up for Homes is reported by Maori Television .

The 15 June column by graphic artist Toby Morris and journalist Toby Manhire for Radio NZ looks at the month that has been in the reporting of the emergence of emergency housing in the housing emergency.

On the $5,000 grant to move out of Auckland, Monte Cecilia Housing Trust, two Auckland budgeting services, Te Puea Marae and a Mangere community advocate said they had not heard from anyone who wanted to apply. Monte Cecilia Housing Trust chief executive Bernie Smith told Morning Report he thought people should “absolutely turn down the offer”.

And emergency housing provider, DePaul House, says it has saved a baby from being born “third-generation homeless” after its mother came to it for help.

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