Te Waiponamu Community Housing Provider Network

Mar 3, 2021

TCHPN brings together community housing providers and their partners operating in the South Island. Its members’ primary activity is to provide community housing solutions for people in housing need. Membership is open to all non-government or local government housing providers and invited partners. The network meets every two months.


The organisational knowledge within TCHPN is significant and represents a skilled collection of community housing practitioners in New Zealand. Their experience and skill base is comprehensive: tenancy management, asset management, affordable property development, social services provision, community engagement and participation.


The members of TCHPN have a distinct role in the provision of community housing. The products and services provided cover the full spectrum of housing need from emergency and transitional housing, supported care, facilitating essential services and intensive tenancy management through to first home buyers’ entry into home ownership.

Contact: [email protected]

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