Publication of the National Maori Housing Conference 2016

Dec 13, 2016 | News

More than 300 delegates from all over Aotearoa met over three days to:

  • Showcase local, regional and national case studies of successful Māori housing initiatives – celebrating successes and sharing lessons learnt
  • Share ideas on how to improve Māori housing outcomes
  • Listen to other indigenous peoples from Canada, Hawaii and Australia share their inspirational journeys
  • Meet in forums to discuss the implementation of “Te Whare Āhuru He Oranga Tāngata” – The Māori Housing Strategy

The report from the conference is below and presents the proceedings and outcomes

from the Conference. The themes of collaboration and strategic relationships were explored in discussion forums and presentations from key and topical speakers, who showcased examples of papakāinga housing.

The formation of an inter-rohe temporary working group at the conclusion of the Conference signified a constructive approach to initiate further discussions with government agencies on how to improve collaboration.

Here is the report:C2_TCC_Maori_Housing_Conference_11_singles_cover.pdf

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