Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL
Submission on MBIE fire safety draft design guide
CHA agrees the need to develop a reasonable alternate solution to the requirements of the Acceptable Solution C/AS3 which came into effect in July 2014. We are one of the stakeholders who has worked with MBIE over the past three years to develop the Draft Design Guide. During that time we have engaged with our members to understand their concerns and keep them informed regarding progress toward an alternate solution.
In addition to our members, CHA has worked closely with the New Zealand Disability Support Network, the Disabled Persons Assembly and MBIE to develop the Draft Design Guide.
We also collaborated with those peak bodies on three forums held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in August to discuss the Guide and receive feedback. Our comments here in are informed by their feedback.
You can read the submission here: CHA submission Fire Safety Draft Design Guide.pdf
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