​Housing project changing lives in Porirua East

“There’s been a lot of talk for a long time around retrofitting and warm homes, but we wanted to better direct our resources to improve the lives of families dealing with sickness in cold homes,” says Hutt Mana Charitable Trust Chair John Gwilliam. The Trust already...

The Shift Aotearoa Conference 2019

Community Housing Aotearoa and Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities are busy developing an exciting programme that is being updated regularly on the conference website. The Shift Aotearoa Conference 2019 will bring housing sector actors together to spark...

Not-for-profits put people’s needs first

APNZL supports the view that government investment in public housing is best achieved through not-for-profit organisations putting people’s needs first. “The Government’s decision to allow private developers access to Community Housing supports is a misguided...

Insulation boost means more warm dry homes

Community organisations have contributed $4.7 million to the programme, further reducing insulation costs to home owners. “The Government has allocated funding of $142.5 million over four years for grants covering two-thirds of the cost of ceiling and underfloor...

Subfloor insulation in rentals a costly mistake

Insulation features in “healthy homes” regulations that Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford is expected to impose next month. Under existing law, New Zealand’s 262,000 owners of rental property are required to install both ceiling and underfloor...