National Science Challenge – Challenge Co-Director (Tāngata Whenua) Vacancy Click here to view the full job description To express an interest on a strictly confidential basis please email your cover letter and current CV through to Heather Walker at Mana Recruitment...
SUBMISSION ON THE DISCUSSION DOCUMENT: ‘REFORM OF THE RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1986’ by TENANTS’ PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (AUCKLAND) (TPA) Tenants’ Protection Association (Auckland) (TPA) welcomes this document and the opportunity to have an input into it and its...
Consultation closed on 1 October for this proposal to support new supply. We applaud the Council on the leadership they are showing to address housing need in their community. You can read more about the proposal here. Read the CHA submission below: CHA submission CCC...
Compass General Manager Bernadette Pinnell noted: “We were delighted that we had a 68% response rate and more importantly that 95% of tenants were satisfied with the services that Compass provides”. Key findings were: ·the best aspects of living in a Compass home were...
Of the more than 500 houses assessed in the BRANZ Housing Condition Survey, nearly a third of rentals felt damp, three times as many as the owner-occupied properties. Assessors rated rental properties twice as likely to be 'poorly maintained'. The survey, by the...
These reports, along with a summary reports (bulletin and synthesis), are attached here: ·HF Research Bulletin April 2017.pdf – an over view of all three studies – Housing Foundation (HF) ·Social and Economic Impacts of Housing Tenure FCSPRU.pdf - Family Centre Social...
The research confirms that the sector shows extraordinary nimbleness and flexibility in approach, in the way in which providers bundle different goods and services together, and in the way in which they select, supervise and manage their contracts. Community housing...
This research on inclusionary zoning: 2017.04.03 Inclusionary Zoning SE FINAL prepared by Sense Partners economist Shamubeel Eaqub analysed Queenstown Lakes District house price data from 2008 to 2016. It focused on houses within a 150m radius of an affordable home...
Findings from the 2013 Disability Survey showed people in rented homes were more likely than people in owner-occupied to report difficulty keeping their house warm. 25 percent of disabled people reported having difficulty keeping their home warm, compared with 18...
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Community Housing Aotearoa
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Level 11, Ranchhod Tower, 39 The Terrace / 102-112 Lambton Quay PO Box 11543 Wellington 6142
Minister for Māori Development and Associate Minister of Housing Hon Nanaia Mahuta congratulated whānau from Bridge Pa, near Hastings for their vision of building homes on their ancestral land. Te Puni Kōkiri invested $376,661 towards infrastructure costs to assist...
Community Housing Aotearoa and Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities are busy developing an exciting programme that is being updated regularly on the conference website. The Shift Aotearoa Conference 2019 will bring housing sector actors together to spark...
“An integral part of any inclusive and successful regional economic development strategy lies with supporting Māori landowners to create new opportunities that will lift incomes and the wellbeing of our regions,” Jacinda Ardern said. “Access to capital remains a...
Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford and Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta announced Government investment of $8.7 million in housing initiatives in Whangarei, Kaikohe and Kaitaia. The Ministers visited the Ōtangarei community this morning, which...