Case Study_Monte Cecilia_FINAL

Compass General Manager Bernadette Pinnell noted: “We were delighted that we had a 68% response rate and more importantly that 95% of tenants were satisfied with the services that Compass provides”. Key findings were:
·the best aspects of living in a Compass home were affordable rent and Compass’ responsiveness to repairs and maintenance.
·90% of tenants were satisfied with the way Compass involves tenants
·95% tenants felt that they can influence Compass decision making,
·94% noted that their rights as a tenant are upheld by Compass
·tenants stated they were satisfied with the way Compass communicates and provides information to them, particularly the responsiveness of the Tenancy Relations Officers, regular meetings with tenants and Compass events.
·83% stated they were either satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the activities that Compass provided.
Importantly, tenants noted that having a secure tenancy, enabled them to have a new start to life they also valued the social support they received from other tenants.
Activities that tenants indicated that they were interested in included: employment opportunities 16%, social activities 15%, Compass Tenant Advisory Group 15%, and training opportunities 15%.
Other activities of interest were, helping to develop or change policy and repairs and maintenance workshops.
Approximately 92% are either satisfied or somewhat satisfied with the tenant influence over decision making.
The Tenant Advisory Groups are beneficial in providing feedback to Compass but more importantly they provide self-confidence and empowerment to tenants, by making them aware of their rights and how to exercise them and providing opportunities for decision making over the community in which they live. Indirectly the TAG process develops new skills of negotiation and peer learning and highlights the strengths and skills of the individuals.
The TAG process is an integral part of the Compass Tenant Empowerment Policy, focusing on tenant rights, decision making and social accountability. Broadening the prevailing narrative associated with social housing on dependency and balancing this with the inherent strengths and capabilities tenants demonstrate and creating opportunities for developing ‘linking social capital’ helping tenants find ways to get ahead and change their life trajectory.
As the tenants noted what is important to them is a” secure tenancy, the support they receive from their neighbours and being able to influence the decisions that affect them.”
CHA submission on the Treaty Principles Bill
Wellbeing Series - Importance of Sleep
Choosing the right site for your community housing project can save time and money. If you get it wrong, it can be costly.