The Housing Crisis panel September 7

Jul 19, 2017 | Events

Affordable, secure housing and sustainable future-proof cities are a huge concern in New Zealand with its homelessness, growing and ageing population.

PrefabNZ, the New Zealand Green Building Council and Community Housing Aotearoa are co-hosting this pre-election Housing Issues panel.

We are inviting a spokesperson from across the Political Parties to present their housing action plans at a public audience panel on Thursday 7 September, 6pm – 8pm at Lecture Theater One, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Victoria University of Wellington, 139 Vivian Street, Wellington.

Confirmed attendance:
Geoff Simmons, The Opportunities Party
Metiria Turei, The Green Party
Marama Fox, Maori Party
Phil Twyford, Labour
Shamubeel Equab, Economist, social commentator, writer and Housing issue expert

National has yet to accept the invitation.

A spokesperson from across the the Political Parties to present their housing action plans at a public audience panel. Go here to register

7 September 2017 / 6.00 – 8.00pm

Go here to see more

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