Time to explore different housing models

Mar 21, 2016 | News

Kate Healy, Chief Operating Officer at Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa Limited, shares her thoughts on Auckland’s housing challenges.

It is undeniable that Auckland needs more good quality homes fast to provide Aucklanders with better lifestyle options. The Auckland Unitary Plan, once finalised, will assist in increasing the supply of well-design homes to the market. However, ensuring that the houses will be affordable is an ongoing challenge.

Most Aucklanders want to be home owners. While there are strong arguments made in favour of focussing on growing personal wealth through non-residential investment, it seems unlikely that the commonly held aspiration of homeownership will change any time soon. And with good reason. For most of us, a home is more than an investment; it is security for our whanau, and a lasting connection to a community. So, it’s time to explore different tenure models that could make this more achievable.

Read more here.

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