Understanding leadership, strategy and organisational dynamics in the not-for-profit housing sector

Apr 10, 2014 | Research

This AHURI study provides an ‘insider’ perspective using surveys and interviews with 14 CEOs on how the organisations are responding to their opportunities and responsibilities as growing providers of a range of affordable housing options. The research investigated how organisations develop a social enterprise model, ‘reconciling social mission with commercial practice through what is sometimes called organisational hybridity’.

It found that “future development of the sector in Australia will remain dependent upon: longer-term certainty of government policy settings; funding to support a pipeline of housing production; an inter-governmental policy framework; governments co-funding arrangements to attract a predictable stream of private finance; and increasing interaction between governments and the not-for-profit housing sector.”


This report will soon be followed by the release of Understanding decision making in the not-for-profit housing sector: longitudinal and comparative components

Both reports are also the focus of an AHURI seminar in Sydney on 13 May 2014



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