ACHPN brings together 20 community housing organisations operating in Auckland. Its primary activity is to bring together organisations proving affordable housing solutions for low income households and people who require support.
Member organisations are:
- Accessible Properties
- Auckland Community Housing Trust
- Bays Community Housing Trust
- CNSST Foundation
- Compass Housing Services
- CORT Community Housing
- Emerge Aotearoa
- Habitat for Humanity (Auckland)
- Haumaru Housing
- Homes of Choice
- Housing Foundation
- LIFEWISE Trust and the Airedale Property Trust
- LinkPeople
- Monte Cecilia Housing Trust
- Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia
- Penina Health Trust
- Tāmaki Housing Association
- The Salvation Army Social Housing
- Whangarei Accessible Housing Trust
- VisionWest Community Trust
The organisational knowledge within ACHPN is significant and potentially represents the most skilled collection of affordable housing practitioners in New Zealand. Their experience and skill base is comprehensive:
- tenancy management
- asset management
- affordable property development
- social services provision
- community engagement and participation.
ACHPN has a distinct role in its provision of affordable housing. The products and services provided cover the full spectrum of housing need across the housing continuum from emergency housing and facilitating essential support and services through to first time home buyer’s shared equity. Its members are committed to:
- Increasing the supply of affordable housing in the Auckland Region
- Maintaining ownership of affordable assets on behalf of the community
- Providing a range of affordable, healthy and good quality housing options for the people of Auckland who cannot sustainably access them without assistance. From renting to shared and full home ownership.
- Providing appropriate support alongside home ownership and rental housing options.
- Developing communities that are sustainable because they are well designed and because they have a mix of property design and tenure
- Contributing to the local community
- Providing a high standard of property maintenance and management
- Promoting the rights of clients and ensuring accessibility to housing support services.
- Working together, in partnership with stakeholders, including Auckland Council and central Government, to promote initiatives and projects that increase the supply of affordable housing.
You can read more about ACHPN on their website –