Auckland emergency housing network update

Apr 11, 2017 | News

Welcomed by Bernie Smith from Monte Cecilia, Minister Adams was introduced to members of the network. The longstanding work of network members and their proven track record within their local communities was acknowledged by Bernie.

“Each service provides a one-on-one individual/family/child focused, empowering and strengthening service. Each with a story to tell of the people who came through their door who were broken, lost, with a sense of hopelessness and no worthwhile future to look forward to. But today those same people are in employment, health issues resolved, kids at school, own their own home and who now have a future and hope; who have broken their generational cycle of poverty and homelessness and are no longer sitting and waiting in WINZ offices or queuing for motel emergency accommodation.”

Bernie acknowledged and welcomed the significant government initiatives over the last 18 months while urging the Minister to continue to work alongside the sector to better align policy and create service connections centred on the needs of whanau first.

You can read more of Bernie’s speech here:

Monte presentation notes.pdf

The stories of two homeless families were presented by Jan Rutledge of De Paul House and Aneta Rangirangi of Te Whanau Rangimarie. Both families had spent time in Australia and when things hadn’t worked out had returned to New Zealand homeless.

You can read their stories here:

De Paul House case study.pdf

TWRM case study.pdf

About the network

The AEHN meets every six weeks Members are: Monte Cecilia Housing Trust;De Paul House; Emerge Aotearoa; Island Child Trust; Manurewa Marae; Salvation Army; Te Manawanui; Te Whare Marama; Te Whanau Rangimarie; Vision West; and Whanau Resource Centre o Pukekohe. CHA Senior Programme Manager, David Zussman provides operational support to the network, thanks to funding from Auckland Council.

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