Council to develop land to create 115 residential sections

Apr 1, 2019 | News

Around 115 sections of various sizes will be developed and are expected to be on the market to sell in early 2020.

Council’s Finance and Performance Committee recently resolved to recommend Council gives delegated authority to Chief Executive Heather Shotter, to negotiate the terms and conditions of the sale of the land. The delegated authority was given to ensure a smooth process when the sites are for sale.

The land was originally acquired under the Public Works Act for the purpose of using it for a cemetery. It was not required and was offered back to the original owners, who didn’t require it.

The land is now zoned ‘residential’ under the District Plan, and an independent commissioner will oversee the resource consent application.

“This is a really good win-win for the city,” says Mayor Grant Smith. “This development will help with ensuring the city has land available for affordable mid-size housing as well as public and social housing, which is much needed for the community. It will also complement what else is on the market and will have a good return for ratepayers.”

Construction on the development is expected to start in September and will be project managed by external parties.

Once the development construction is completed, the sections will be sold in the marketplace. How they will be sold has yet to be determined.

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