Kiwis are moving too often, the Human Rights Commission says in their briefing to the new government.
New Zealand is projected to have over 2.2 million households in 2038, 500,000 more than now, Statistics New Zealand said today. According to the medium projection, the country will have more households in every region, city, and in most districts.
Facilitated by Leonie Freeman, a successful workshop was held on 24 November and built on the impetus from the CHA IMPACT conference in June. This was a workshop on the 'Getting Ready Project'.
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) is reviewing the occupancy and tenancy agreements used by emergency and transitional housing providers to support the development of best practice in the use of these documents.
The latest Housing Quarterly Report September 2017, which includes the latest figures for the Social Housing Register and an overview of MSD’s housing support has been published.
Half of New Zealand’s renters report damp or mould problems with their homes, which can have negative health implications. Tenants in a newly upgraded social housing complex complained of being cold. Sealing strips around doors and baffles in rangehoods were installed.
Community Housing sector leaders met on 24 October 2017 to build consensus on the settings that would increase supply of social and affordable housing and working toward ‘all New Zealanders well-housed by 2030’.
The Mayoral Housing Affordability Taskforce has presented its report to the Queenstown Council.
On the 28 April 2017 the Auckland Community Housing Providers network hosted a workshop with the Associate Minister of Social Housing, Hon Alfred Ngaro. The workshop was designed to identify the issues, barriers and solutions to community
housing organisations stepping-up at greater scale to more robustly assist in addressing Auckland’s severe housing problems.
We have prepared our submission on the MBIE fire safety draft design guide. The proposed design guide is of great interest to our members providing residential community housing.