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Internal and External Resources

View Community Housing Aotearoa’s submissions, legislations, reports, research (internal and external) and articles.

Report from Auckland Housing Summit

Establishing an independent not for profit organisation, tasked with solving the City’s housing woes is crucial – and just one of the key actions identified in the first Auckland Housing Summit report.

Report on household incomes in New Zealand

​These pages from " The material wellbeing of NZ households: overview and key findings from​ the 2017 Household Incomes Report and the companion report using non-income measures (the 2017 NIMs Report) ​look at ongoing housing costs and housing quality.

Wellington Mayoral Housing Taskforce report

​​​The Mayor’s Housing Taskforce, an independent, cross sectoral group, was set up in October 2016 by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to ensure critical experience and expertise was utilised to address one of the key strategic issues facing the city.​​ CE of Community Housing Aotearoa, Scott Figenshow, was on this taskforce.

Housing prices relative to consumer prices – an analysis by Brian Easton May 2017

Housing affordability has occupied news headlines in New Zealand for several years now. A range of measures – such as falling home ownership rates, the decreasing number of first home buyers, the prevalence of speculators purchasing housing, and median price to median income ratios – suggest that buying a home has become harder for those not already on the property ladder, especially in Auckland and Queenstown.

Life When Renting Summit findings

As a part of the Aging Well National Science Challenge, this summit looked into housing for older people in a climate where an increasing number remain renters into old age.

Report from the 2017 CHA conference

The 2017 CHA -IMPACT conference attracted 300 people and has been an important event for providing a mandate forward for CHA to seeing all New Zealanders well housed. Links to the media and presentations for this event can be found here.