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Internal and External Resources

View Community Housing Aotearoa’s submissions, legislations, reports, research (internal and external) and articles.

New Housing Affordability Measure welcomed

CHA is pleased to see the release of the new Housing Affordability Measure, a tier one official statistic. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s (MBIE) new measure will allow the market to be monitored at a more detailed level and has been developed independently by Statistics New Zealand and MBIE. It measures how much money households have left each week after meeting housing costs and sets the benchmark at 2013 figures.

New research on positive outcomes in affordable housing

On Wednesday 12 April the New Zealand Housing Foundation (NZHF) publicly released three new research reports on the benefits of transitioning people into housing tenures that offer affordable ownership outcomes. The reports have been written by the Family Centre Social Policy Research Unit (FCSPRU), Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL), and Nexus Research.

Community housing providers, procurement and the building industry

This report looks at the procurement processes and relationship that community housing providers have with the building industry through in-depth interviews with 17 community housing providers who have built new residential dwellings either on green-fields or re-developed sites since 2014.

Disability and housing conditions

Disability and housing conditions: 2013 compares housing characteristics of disabled and non-disabled people living in private dwellings using data from the 2013 New Zealand Disability Survey (NZDS).

Annual rent rises hit low-spending households

Beneficiaries and low-spending households experienced the highest inflation over the past year, Statistics NZ reported. From the December 2015 quarter to the December 2016 quarter their overall costs increased 1.4 percent. This was more than double the rate of inflation experienced by New Zealand's highest spenders (up 0.6 percent).