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Member feedback encouraged

Member feedback encouraged

What do you think about Australian commmunity housing providers pitching their interest in our state-owned housing?
Roy Morgan Research poll

Roy Morgan Research poll

A recent poll indicates housing one of the largest issues facing New Zealanders in 2015.
Giving charities a helping hand

Giving charities a helping hand

The New Zealand Initiative has launched its report “Giving Charities a Helping Hand”.
Salvation Army report – Mixed Fortunes

Salvation Army report – Mixed Fortunes

The Salvation Army has released a report Mixed Fortunes - The Geography of Advantage and Disadvantage in New Zealand.
Tax Matters Bill Submission

Tax Matters Bill Submission

CHA has submitted a letter outlining sector concerns on the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2015-16, Research and Development, and Remedial Matters) Bill 2015.
MSD Social Housing Purchasing Intentions – key points of interest

MSD Social Housing Purchasing Intentions – key points of interest

CHA has now had the time to review the information provided in MSD's first Social Housing Purchasing Intentions document released on 15 April and have identified key points of interest - please provide feedback.
AHURI research paper on stock tranfers in Australia

AHURI research paper on stock tranfers in Australia

The Australasian Housing and Urban Research Institute has recently released a final report on ‘Public housing stock transfers in Australia: past, present and prospective’.
CRESA awarded BRANZ research grant

CRESA awarded BRANZ research grant

The Centre for Research, Evaluation and Social Assessment (CRESA) was recently awarded a research grant from BRANZ to investigate procurement for community housing.
Rules Reduction task force

Rules Reduction task force

Submissions are sought from the public by 1 May 2015 on property regulations and local rules that don’t make sense.
Emergency Housing Funding Review

Emergency Housing Funding Review

The Ministry of Social Development has just begun a review of the funding arrangements for emergency housing and is seeking input through an online survey from emergency housing providers and other interested groups (such as organisations who provide services to people in emergency housing) to get a better understanding of the pressures facing the emergency housing sector.
MSD Purchasing Intentions Feedback

MSD Purchasing Intentions Feedback

As a member of MSD’s Housing Assistance Reform Feedback Group, CHA was asked what type of information members would like to see in the April release of its Purchasing Intentions.
Social Services Committee 2013/14 annual review of Housing New Zealand Corporation

Social Services Committee 2013/14 annual review of Housing New Zealand Corporation

The Committee report provides a brief summary of HNZC activities and performance for the 2013/14 operating year.