In a paper just published by the Journal of International Union for Housing Finance, Shamubeel Eaqub says there is no easy fix to the current over-valued housing market and long-term and complementary policy changes are needed.
This Bill proposes comprehensive reforms to the Health and Safety regulatory environment in New Zealand. The Bill seeks to replace the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and the Machinery Act 1950.
Many of you will have attended the briefings on the changes to social housing coming into effect on 14 April 2014. Feedback from these is that there was a broad cross-section of community organisations there keen to share their concerns about how the new Social Allocation System will work.
CHA, TeMatapihi and Auckland Community Housing Providers Network submission to the Auckland Unitary Plan was provided on 28 February 2014. VIew the document here.
CHA's final submission on the Taxation (Annual Rates, Employee Allowances, and Remedial Matters) Bill was provided to Parliament on 5 February 2014. View the document here.