Community housing tax entities
Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett has introduced changes to discourage people on the social housing register from refusing housing offers.
The Supplementary Order Paper No. 129, which introduces several technical changes to the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2015–16, Research and Development, and Remedial Matters) Bill, was released yesterday.
Community Housing Aotearoa has announced the appointment of the board for New Zealand Housing Bonds Limited – a flagship for socially responsible investment in community housing
Congratulations to our members whose work was acknowledged in the recent AHI awards.
A joint project between Christchurch City Council and Christchurch Methodist Mission has been set up to help some of the city's homeless into rental housing.
In this interview the low interest rate and the need to develop more housing is discussed.
The award from the New Zealand Association of Architect's was the multi-unit category.
A new tenancy bond service goes online today as part of the Government’s programme of making public services more convenient and easier, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith has announced.
Lisa Owen, on The Nation, talks to Auckland Mayor Len Brown, Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel.