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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Media Release Public Trust Community Finance

The ink is now dry on a new partnership between Public Trust and New Zealand’s largest, open, impact investment platform, Community Finance. Public Trust is acting as Security Trustee to provide assurance and security to investors who join the growing global trend of doing good with their money.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 19 October 2020

Milestone in housing - Ngāti Toa now managing 902 homes, Te Matapihi - Release Māori Housing Issues, Māori Party Housing Policy, Māori Housing Scorecard, HUD Project-Specific Application for Funding - New form for Providers, Auckland City Mission World Food Day Research, Call for Papers - International Journal on Homelessness, In the news, EVENTS, Australasian Housing Institute training opportunities.

Tick for Kids Housing Scorecard

Tick for Kids has released a series of political scorecards focused on social policies to help voters make their decision on who they will vote for in the coming election. Tick for Kids asked New Zealand’s main political parties whether they support action on 40 evidence-based policies that the Tick for Kids members advocate for children’s and young people’s well-being.

REINZ welcomes announcement to review Unit Titles Act FINAL

The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) has today welcomed Labour’s announcement that if it is re-elected it will review and amend the Unit Titles Act as it will provide greater transparency for consumers when buying apartments or townhouses run by bodies corporate.

Presentation on overview of changes to the Residential Tenancies Act

CHA teamed up with Kathryn Burton to provide two Information sessions in September 2020 about the changes and how they impact community housing providers. The powerpoint presentation and the presenter notes are now available for those interested in the changes to review.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 05 October 2020

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020, Residential Tenancy Law Workshop 20 October 2020 - Wellington, Māori Housing Issues In Election 2020, Summary of Political Party Housing Policies, Hold the Date Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) - Notice of AGM, GETS: Additional Information for GETS Notice, Congratulations to Bays Community Housing Trust, Mahia Road - Case Study, Call for Change campaign gains support, Generate KiwiSaver Social Housing Investment, In the news, World Homeless Day 2020 19th October, EVENTS, Homelessness and Housing in West Auckland Hui 2020.

Generate KiwiSaver Press Release -29 September 2020 – Final Version Approved for Release

Generate makes a $15 million impact investment into The Salvation Army Community Housing The Generate KiwiSaver Scheme has become the cornerstone impact investor in The Salvation Army Community Bond. The transaction – facilitated by Community Finance – means they are the first KiwiSaver provider to invest into the creation of these 118 new, warm, dry and secure houses for families without homes.