Social Service Providers Aotearoa is looking for a new National Manager. The role is open to secondment as an option for filling the role on an interim basis
The Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge is recruiting governance board members. The advertisement and Governance Group member responsibilities are in the attached documents.
Recognition for our sector - and a reminder that our work is part of the solution, CHP sector development pipeline, CEO Forum, Webinar: Educating political parties to help the community sector, Find your way back home: a gifted song, In the news.
Homelessness pandemic response highlights importance of good homes.
“Community housing providers and other front-line organisations have done an amazing job of finding homes for people during New Zealand’s Level 4 pandemic lockdown,” says Scott Figenshow, Chief Executive of Community Housing Aotearoa.
Damp housing stats highlight need for greater supply of good homes
The latest statistics on damp houses highlight the need for permanent, affordable homes that are warm, dry and good to live in – and available to all New Zealanders, says Scott Figenshow, Chief Executive of Community Housing Aotearoa.
Resource 2: Alert Level 2 Decision Tree for moving into shared accommodation COVID-19 Assessing new whānau, residents, and/or tenants.
Household and individual close contact log.
Public Health Units Links and Contact Numbers
Like other workplaces, community housing and homelessness services providers are required by the Ministry of Health to keep accurate and up to date records for the purpose of contact tracing. This is to help public health staff with contact tracing if it is later required.