When demand is high, Economics 101 suggests that developers would be building every house New Zealand needs. The trouble is the risks and roadblocks involved mean that developers' interests are nowhere near aligned with the wants and needs of politicians and the public. This in-depth article written for the NZ Herald by Diana Clement looks at some of the issues for the development of more houses and what some of the solutions might be.
Alison Cadman of community housing provider, Dwell Housing, said the shortage of housing in Wellington is the worst it has been.
Here is the latest edition of the newsletter with news and events and articles about New Zealand's community housing sector.
The first stages of a new emergency housing development have been officially opened in Auckland’s Otahuhu, giving more families a warm and safe place to stay in times of need.
A news item from last week strikes a note of concern about how far testers are recommending landlords and new owners to go to rectify contamination after signs of P use in properties
We are pleased to see that Government has released the December 2015 report titled “Findings of a review into the implementation of the Governments Social Housing Reforms”
The second phase of MBIE’s Residential Tenancies Act summer campaign has launched and focuses on targeting student renters.
Figures from the Wellington City Council provided to Stuff show that, in nine of the past 13 financial years, the number of dwellings built in the capital fell short of the estimated number required.
By the end of last year, Wellington city was an estimated 3590 dwellings short of where it needed to be.
Housing New Zealand has evicted tenants from nearly 1000 state homes in the past two years, after finding they could afford private rentals.
The most frequently evicted tenants were couples with children.
The Wellington City Council will build 750 new units of social and affordable housing in the next 10 years, the mayor has announced.