Thirteen further sites to enable housing development in Wellington have been approved for consideration by Building and Housing Minister Nick Smith as part of the Housing Accord.
A big state-owned site in Auckland once earmarked for social and affordable housing is being carved up for sale - and the first 50 houses will be sold privately at market rates.
A project of CHA’s Funding and Finance Sector Solution Group, Auckland Housing Bonds is pleased to recognise the Auckland Council for their leadership in confirming a $6M guarantee and $200K of reserve capital for this transformative initiative to bring new capital to the social and affordable housing sector. This milestone will enable CHA to proceed with a further six months of work, with the intended launch date of July 2015.
Christchurch City Council has begun seeking proposals from organisations to form a new community housing provider (CHP) that will help to secure and grow the Council's social housing service into the future.
The Board of the Tāmaki Redevelopment Company (TRC) wishes to advise that John Holyoake has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer effective April 14, 2015.
Following government plans to transfer more responsibility for housing low income and vulnerable tenants by selling a portion of its housing stock to community providers, Methodist Mission Aotearoa have also chosen not to participate in the transfer, instead suggesting a collaborative approach to create new housing stock.
Partnering for progress: How to accelerate the development of Social and Affordable Housing at scale in New Zealand.