The Shift Aotearoa creates a platform to discuss and understand what a well-functioning housing system means in ...
VACANCIES in the community housing sector
Season's greetings from CHA! Have your say on the Urban Development Bill, Webinar for CHA members: Homestar and HomeFit, Podcast on homelessness in New Zealand, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Season's greetings from CHRA, ComVoices survey findings, Joint submission on Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission Bill, Your community housing networks, QLCHT Annual Report, Community Finance secures further significant backing, Come @ us! Housing First Partners conference March 2020, Property Council conference March 2020, NZGBC Housing Summit May 2020, National Māori Housing Conference May 2020, AHI Housing First Finland study tour May 2020, LGNZ annual conference July 2020.
CHA MEDIA RELEASE, 13 December 2019 Ensuring all New Zealanders have access to good homes essential to ...
MEDIA RELEASE, 13 December 2019 Infrastructure funding welcomed amid hopes of more affordable houses Community ...
One of the country's leading practitioners under the Resource Management Act. David Mead, a Director of Hill Young Cooper, talks about affordable housing and inclusionary zoning, and argues that it is time for some new tools.
PERSPECTIVES, Housing legislation and dashboard, Our members making a difference: Haumaru Housing's Wilsher Village, A home for Atalia and her daughter, CORT Annual Report, Community Finance launches, Change to MSD forms, Equally Well turns five, Your community housing networks, JOB VACANCY Te Āhuru Mōwai
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) is welcoming the arrival of a low-cost funding avenue for community organisations working to provide good homes for New Zealanders.
Housing and wellbeing: making the connections, Change in senior management in HUD,
Using inclusionary zoning to provide affordable housing, 27 years of the Wellington Women's House, Your community housing networks, Rent arrears assistance, Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act, Selwyn District Council property, Come @ us! PowerHousing Australia conference November 2019, Housing First Partners conference March 2020,
CHA Newsletter 26 November 2019, Property Council conference March 2020, NZGBC Housing Summit May 2020, National Māori Housing Conference May 2020, AHI Housing First Finland study tour May 2020, LGNZ annual conference July 2020.
Providing homes where they're needed: Fale Pasifika and VisionWest, Our members making a difference: The Salvation Army opens housing complex, Strive Community Trust opening, Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust, Mini-doco on Queenstown housing, Your community housing networks, Developing the community housing workforce, Kaipara council houses on offer, Come @ us! CPAG and national Kaumātua Service Providers conferences are coming up, and we hear how the work of a housing provider has changed the life of a Christchurch artist. Housing Minister visits Te Waipounamu network, EVENTS Child Poverty Action Group 2019 Summit, 2019 National Kaumātua Service Providers Conference, NZGBC Housing Summit 2020