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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

CHA Newsletter 11 November 2019

Providing homes where they're needed: Fale Pasifika and VisionWest, Our members making a difference: The Salvation Army opens housing complex, Strive Community Trust opening, Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust, Mini-doco on Queenstown housing, Your community housing networks, Developing the community housing workforce, Kaipara council houses on offer, Come @ us! CPAG and national Kaumātua Service Providers conferences are coming up, and we hear how the work of a housing provider has changed the life of a Christchurch artist. Housing Minister visits Te Waipounamu network, EVENTS Child Poverty Action Group 2019 Summit, 2019 National Kaumātua Service Providers Conference, NZGBC Housing Summit 2020

CHA Newsletter 29 October 2019

Housing Leaders Forum, CHA AGM 2019 and welcome our new CHA Council members, HUD Annual Report and Dashboard, Opening of Accessible Properties development, Community Housing Networks, Christchurch Housing Initiative, Growing demand for public housing, House deposit the real inequality for Govt to fight, Child Poverty Action Group 2019 Summit 18 November 2019, 2019 National Kaumātua Service Providers Conference 19-21 November 2019, NZGBC Housing Summit 2020 - 19 May 2020.

CHA Newsletter 14 October 2019

Kāinga Ora Board - applications, Kāinga Ora submissions, Monte Cecilia - a helping hand for Auckland families in need, Shining a light on homelessness and what we can do about it, CHRA Financial Viability Review - your input invited, Workforce development council stakeholder engagement hui, Zero carbon road map for Aotearoa's buildings, Notice of Community Housing Aotearoa Annual General Meeting (AGM).

World Homeless Day

Shining a light on homelessness and what we can do about it. 10 October is World Homeless Day, an opportunity to draw attention to the needs of people experiencing homelessness and provide opportunities for communities to respond.

CHA Newsletter 1 October 2019

Conversations that matter with people who can make a difference, Kāinga Ora , Sustainable housing: our response to climate change, Your regional community housing networks , Our members: making a difference, Healthy home requirements for community housing providers , Regulating the gatekeepers to rental housing, Valuable insight into New Zealand's community housing services, Leadership changes at LinkPeople and Housing First Auckland , ComVoices at Parliament: advancing the community sector , Notice of Community Housing Aotearoa Annual General Meeting (AGM), GRAND OPENING! - Monte Cecilia Housing Trust, Housing Fit for our Future , 2019 National Kaumātua Service Providers Conference

CHA Newsletter 16 September 2019

E Noho Rā Marc Slade, Government signals partnership approach to progressive home ownership, From sleeping rough to home ownership in Kaitaia, Finally, their very own home, Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities Bill, Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust wins ‘Social Impact Innovator’ award, The going got tough in Lifemark's Age Lab, Recognition for the Healthy Homes Initiative, New information requirements - Family Violence Act and Oranga Tamarki Act, Notice of Community Housing Aotearoa Annual General Meeting (AGM), Theatre gives voice to homeless community, Invite to Wellington Construction Sector Accord public session, GRAND OPENING! - Monte Cecilia Housing Trust, Housing Fit for our Future, 2019 National Kaumātua Service Providers Conference.

HSAG Report Home and Housed April 2010

Home and Housed A Vision for Social Housing in New Zealand Shelter is one of the most basic human needs, but a home is much more than the place where we hang our hat: it gives our lives stability and permanence and contributes materially to our physical and social well-being.

CHA Newsletter 2 September 2019

Community Housing Aotearoa, Communications boost for CHA, ACHPN hosts site visits to showcase up and coming developments in Auckland, Housing developments in Manurewa, Auckland, CORT's Housing Development, Accessible Properties, Emerge Aotearoa and Penina Health Trust, Salvation Army, CORT, Congratulations to the Australasian Housing Industry 2019 Professional Excellence in Housing Awards, Homes for the homeless in Whangarei, $2.7 million to support new Tauranga papakāinga