The Board of Abbeyfield NZ today announced the appointment of Susan Jenkins to the position of Executive Officer, replacing the General Secretary, Chris Armstrong, who will retire on 31 March.
Last week Government announced nine new Special Housing Areas (SHAs) proposed by the Nelson City Council that will fast-track 417 additional homes.
The people behind a major Cromwell housing development, providing beds for up to 700 people, are "not far off'' filing resource consents for the project.
Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett has today announced details of the Government’s $2 million contribution to increasing the emergency housing supply in Auckland.
Under the old rules, anyone wanting to raise money from investors by offering debt securities was required to have a trustee, registered prospectus and investment statement.
Disgruntled ratepayers jeered and booed at a special Auckland Council meeting on Unitary Plan residential zoning.
Christchurch City Council has completed the first key step in setting up a charitable trust that is proposed to take over management of its social housing service in the second half of this year.
Last week Paula Bennett announced that the Social Housing Reform (Transactions Mandate) Bill passed into law.
Horowhenua District Council is to seek community feedback on a proposal that it no longer provides pensioner housing as a core service.
RTA regulations submission