The Auckland Council has agreed to underwrite "housing bonds" worth $30 million to kick-start more than 200 new homes for low-income families.
The Auckland Council has agreed to set up a fund that offers cheaper loans to community housing providers, to increase the supply of affordable housing.
In a bid increase the supply of affordable housing, the Auckland Council is setting up a fund that will help community housing providers get access to cheaper loans.
Auckland Housing Bonds guarantee approval
Auckland Council has agreed to offer a limited guarantee as a means of securing up to $30 million from the philanthropic community, so that cheaper loans can be made to community housing providers.
Clarke Street is buzzing this week as 20 excited residents moved from dated, inaccessible and poorly positioned accommodation into brand new functional homes.
Congratulations to CHA member He Kainga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme who has won the 2014 Prime Minister’s Science Prize - CHA Director Scott Figenshow attended the event and was able to congratulate them personally.
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) says Auckland Council’s decision to support an innovative and proven method of funding to build up to 200 new affordable homes will transform the city.
Auckland Council, in a briefing to the new Government, is asking for more help as it tries to deal with the growing issue of homelessness and the need for emergency housing.
Teresa Cowie explores whether the government's sell off of state housing will lead to better homes for the poor.