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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

High cost of emergency housing special needs grant

In its first three months of availability, October to December 2016, 9,000 grants were made to 2,600 families needing Government’s new emergency housing grant. Government expected 1,400 homeless families to need the grants to pay for a week’s accommodation in a motel with an expected cost of $2million a year. Instead it spent nearly $8 million in three months.

A focus on youth homelessness

​On our doorstep, is a documentary made by students from AUT's master of human rights class that draws attention to the situation of youth homelessness.

A guide for the design and implementation of smokefree policies in social housing

Community and Public Health has developed a toolkit to assist social housing providers to implement smokefree policies in social housing settings. Increasingly, improving population health has become a shared goal across many sectors, including social housing, and a smokefree social housing policy can result in win-wins for tenants, housing providers, and the wider community.

Newsletter 16 February 2017

In this latest edition of our newsletter we find out about the work of Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou who are encouraging home ownership for iwi in the Gisborne region. We've also got more on the CHA - IMPACT conference 2017; a look at youth homelessness; more on the methamphetamine contamination draft guidelines and HNZ housing stock transfer in Christchurch.

New Zealand short 60,000 homes

New Zealand is up to 60,000 houses short, with Auckland needing as many as 35,000 homes, estimates in a Treasury document suggest.The figures are part of housing supply and demand forecast produced in September of 2016 and released in January as part of an Official Information Act request.