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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Single parent experiences of renting in Wellington

Finding a rental in Wellington isn’t only a battle for students and young professionals. In this article originally posted in the Spinoff, single mothers tell their accommodation search stories, and public policy researcher Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw explains why housing insecurity is so damaging for families.

Aging in place and home safety

An increasing number of seniors are choosing to age in place as fewer older people are now living in nursing homes. Changes to homes and household safety are worth considering early in any design process or before mobility becomes impaired.

Auckland relocation grant to end

The Auckland relocation grant will be stopped after increasing state house waiting lists in other towns and cities showed it was just moving housing pressure to other parts of New Zealand, Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford announced on 18 December.

Building housing in Auckland

This article from Steve Evans of The Herald looks at the challenges of building in Auckland and acknowledges that the key to tackling this issue is getting public, private and community sectors working effectively together.

Cost of building a home in NZ continues to rise

The latest QV costbuilder report shows the average cost of building a new home in six of New Zealand’s main centres rose on average by 2.7% in the year to October 2017 and has risen 27.4% since the previous peak of 2007. This is faster than the annual rise of 2.1% in the year to October 2016, but slower than the annual rise of 3.5% seen in the year to May 2017, suggesting the rate of increase in the sector is affected by the slowing of the Christchurch region.

KiwiBuild unit set up in MBIE

An interim KiwiBuild Unit within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment jhas been set up while the legislation to establish the Housing Commission is developed.

Housing New Zealand will not be restructured

Housing Minister Phil Twyford, left, has decided not to restructure Housing New Zealand. Labour Housing Minister Phil Twyford said in Government he has realised that the social housing provider is already moving in the right direction, and that a restructure could just end up slowing things down.