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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Safe and Affordable Housing for all

Representative church leaders have met with the Prime Minister and Government ministers to ask for more action in the areas of immigration, housing and social investment. Their views are influenced by the experience of their church congregations and church based social agencies in most New Zealand communities.

Pre-election housing policies

This article looks at the various policies on housing that different political parties are campaigning on pre-election 2017.

What budget 2017 has in store

Budget 2017 announcement is to be on May 25. The Prime Minister announced in his pre-budget speech that over the next four Budgets the Government will allocate a further $11 billion toward capital infrastructure.

Blenheim faces housing issues

Like many other parts of the country Marlborough is experiencing housing shortages as almost $100,000 a month is being spent on to house people struggling to find other accommodation in Blenheim.