Community Housing Aotearoa has released our first issues papers for the Housing System Settings and Narrative Transformation work streams in the lead up to The Shift Aotearoa conference 2021.
We look forward to working with Government to build a well-functioning housing system that provides a sustainable supply of affordable homes for all New Zealanders and makes housing a key tool in the fight against poverty.
Te Matapihi and Community Housing Aotearoa assisted HUD to organise a webinar covering the new supply process on Tuesday 8 December 2020. More than 60 participants heard the latest news from the HUD Housing Supply Team about the application process, the types of proposals that have been funded, the value for money framework and draft design guidelines to be consulted upon in early 2021.
Child Poverty Monitor 2020 report released, Inclusionary Zoning seminar now available online, Guidelines on the right to a decent home seminar / engagement available online, HUD New Supply webinar recap, Housing in Aotearoa: 2020, The Shift Aotearoa conference 2021 | planning and engagement, Community Housing Aotearoa holiday closure, In the news, EVENTS, Haumaru Housing Tenancy Quality Manager.
OUR VISION - We want to know that all New Zealanders are well-housed and living in homes that are: habitable, affordable, accessible, secure and culturally appropriate.
The race to year end - but then what? Community Housing Aotearoa AGM and New Council Members, RTA and Healthy Homes Standards clarifications, Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Close Down 2020/2021, In the news,
EVENTS, Housing Call to Action West Auckland - Christmas Lunch Invite, Inclusionary Zoning Workshop | 7 December 2020, Guidelines on the Right to Housing Workshop | 7 December 2020, Australasian Housing Institute (AHI) Webinar 7 December 2020 - 2pm - 3:30 pm (NZ time).
CHA Council Nominees 2020
Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) AGM, Human Rights Commission releases Draft Guidelines on the right to a decent home, CHA releases Inclusionary Zoning discussion document, Limitations on whānau and child wellbeing: not having enough income, CHA welcomes new housing ministers, Government’s time to deliver on housing promises, Nelson City Council transfers community housing, Do you know about the Lottery COVID-19 Community Wellbeing Fund? Funding announcement: prestigious PhD scholarships, In the news, EVENTS.
Community Housing Aotearoa and our subsidiary Community Housing Solutions have worked with numerous councils on housing needs assessments, strategies and task forces. A recurring theme from this work is the desire for additional tools to address unmet housing needs effectively. We know there is interest in understanding Inclusionary Zoning and how it might work in the New Zealand context. This interest was confirmed by the remit passed by Local Government New Zealand at its Annual General Meeting in 2020. We have developed this paper to progress a discussion of Inclusionary Zoning as one of the tools that can support our vision of ‘all New Zealanders well-housed’. This paper builds upon prior work we have undertaken ourselves and with others interested in improving the responsiveness of the housing system. We would like to thank Tanya Perrott for her preparation of this discussion document.
To further the discussion we plan to hold meetings, seminars and webinars to engage with all who are interested in finding solutions to the housing challenges we face. However, you do not need to wait for these events to share your thoughts.
Please email your ideas, proposals or questions to Chris Glaudel at
[email protected] to further this discussion.
Te Matapihi and Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA), Reminder Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) - Notice of AGM, Healthy Homes Standards, New Ministerial Announcements, Auckland Council considers Inclusionary zoning, Ngā Pōtiki - Progressive Home Ownership announcement for $7.2m, Introducing Te Whare Manawa Ora—Bays Community Housing Trust’s new model of what community looks like, Abbeyfield Royal Patron's Award presented in Nelson, Invitation to Partner for Emergency Housing Providers - deadline extended, In the news, Events, Australasian Housing Institute training opportunities, National Māori Housing Conference 2021.