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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

MOU signed with Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara to build housing in North-West Auckland

An MOU has been signed between Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara, the Hobsonville Land Company and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for housing developments in north-west Auckland. “The first development to progress with Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara will be the nine hectare Village Precinct in Hobsonville of 400 homes. The subdivision is to proceed next summer with the first homes to be completed in early 2018.

Ngai Tahu open new social and affordable housing in Christchurch

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu announced the completion of its Addington housing project, which was launched last week in Lincoln Road.The project has seen three earthquake-affected houses in Sumner moved to Addington and renovated to provide modern comfortable homes for whānau still struggling with the impact of the earthquakes.

Residential tenancies ammendment update

Cabinet has now agreed the proposed regulations that will come into effect from 1 July 2016 for community housing organisations. Information about the regulations are on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website.

Is land tax the answer to housing affordability?

In an article in the Herald today, Nicholas Ross Smith and Zbigniew Dumienski (lecturers in politics and international relations at the University of Auckland) say that land tax is arguably the simplest, easiest to administer and most effective solution to housing unaffordability.

Auckland Council votes to increase housing for people

The Auckland Development Committee today voted by 14 to 8 to increase the amount of council-owned housing for older people. The Notice of Motion (attached) was presented by Councillors Cathy Casey and John Watson. Presentations in support were made at the committee by Auckland Council’s Seniors Panel, Richard Northey of Auckland District Council of Social Services and Bill Rayner of Auckland Grey Power.

Horowhenua Council to sell housing

​Expressions of interest will be sought from Community Housing Providers keen to purchase Horowhenua District Council’s 115 pensioner housing units. Council met today to deliberate and make its decision, following a comprehensive review and public consultation on a proposal that it no longer provides pensioner housing as a core service.

New SHA’s great but more needed

Matt Paetz, a leading New Zealand planner specialising in housing policy and development who is presenting at the New Zealand Planning Institute’s annual conference in Dunedin next week, has worked on housing accords and SHAs in Auckland, Wellington and Queenstown.

New housing for Queenstown lake area

The Queenstown Lakes Community Housing Trust is in full construction mode at its 44 lot site in Shotover Country, after roads and services were completed earlier this year. Construction has been broken into blocks with three separate firms completing houses for the three blocks.