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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) 03 August 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS, Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 03 August 2020, Register for CHA’s online housing webinar, CHA Farewells, Spotlight on Abbeyfield New Zealand, Progressive Home Ownership underway, Guidelines on the right to a decent home - engagement underway, CHRA releases new Guidance Note, Public Housing Rent Setting review 2020, Te Pae Whakahou Hapori – Eastern Porirua Advisory Panel announced, In the news, EVENTS, ELECTION FORUM ON MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION, Tenancy Law Case File.

CHA Media Release – Progressive Home Ownership 24 July 2020

Government support for community-based initiatives best way to boost home ownership. Partnerships between Community Housing Providers and government are the most effective way to get Kiwi families into a place of their own, says Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA). Deputy CEO Chris Glaudel

KiwiBuy Campaign Media Release on PHO announcement 24 July 2020

The KiwiBuy coalition of Community Housing Providers say they’re excited to see the Government’s. Progressive Home Ownership programme getting off the ground. Minister of Housing, Megan Woods has announced the first organisations receiving 15-year, interest free Government loans under “phase 1” of the programme, to help more Kiwis into home ownership.

Invitation to launch of new Mana Kāinga Housing project this Friday

Ngā Wai a Te Tūī | Māori & Indigenous Research | Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka | Unitec Warmly invite you to celebrate the launch of two new research projects; • Mana Kāinga: Advancing capability in the Māori Housing Sector • Hihiko o Mangarautawhiri: Power sovereignty for a prosperous whānau and hapū. Please join us for kōrero, nibbles and refreshments. When: 4.00pm – 7.00pm Friday 24th July 2020 Where: Ground floor, Building 111, Gate 4, Unitec, 139 Carrington Road, Mt Albert For catering purposes please RSVP to: Email: [email protected] Phone: (021) 0873 5374

CHA Newsletter 20 July 2020

Where are we heading? Severe Housing Deprivation in Aotearoa New Zealand 2018 report, Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill and transitional housing, In the news, Housing Development and Property Manager role at Wesley Community Action, EVENTS, Upcoming Australasian Housing Institute Training 2020, Zavanti software for NZ social and affordable housing - web demonstration, HuiE Resource: Running a Webinar Toolkit.

CHA Newsletter 29 June 2020

Australia supports CHPs through low-interest bonds, Expressions of interest sought on Guidelines on the right to a Decent Home in Aotearoa project, New Zealand's affordable housing crisis - why is it near impossible to produce low-cost homes? Webinar this week: Homestar v5 consultation, AHURI report: Supporting families effectively through the homelessness services system, Supporting older people who hoard in Canterbury, Have your say: ComVoices COVID-19 and State of the Sector survey 2020, Leadership role at SSPA available, EVENTS, Tenancy Case Law File Forum.

CHA Media Release – Housing Announcement Welcomed

Moves to streamline Māori housing projects welcomed The Government’s decision to include the National Papakāinga Network in its fast-tracking of 11 infrastructure projects is being welcomed by community housing providers.

SSPA National Manager secondment

Social Service Providers Aotearoa is looking for a new National Manager. The role is open to secondment as an option for filling the role on an interim basis