Figures obtained through the Official Information Act shows the Government is spending over $27 million a week helping 292,006 people who are struggling to afford private rentals.. This is up from $20 million a week from last year.
Auckland Councillor Greg Sayers has released a book critical of Auckland Council’s lack of action in solving Auckland’s Housing Crisis.
A requirement to install subfloor insulation in rental properties should go and owners who have installed it under threat should be compensated, Tenancies War spokesman Mike Butler said today.
Opinion piece: Leading Auckland immigration lawyer Aaron Martin responds to the introduction of the new Construction and Infrastructure Skill Shortage List (CISSL) implemented by the government in December.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development chief executive Andrew Crisp has given the strongest indication yet that departed KiwiBuild unit head Stephen Barclay was the subject rather than the initiator of an employment dispute that appears to have caused his resignation.
The head of Kiwibuild, Stephen Barclay has officially resigned from the role.
The Labour-led government risks electoral defeat in 2020 unless it makes demonstrable progress on affordable housing this year, says the outspoken author of an annual survey of global housing affordability.
Tauranga is ranked the eighth most expensive housing market in the world when measured against income, heading off cities like London and San Francisco, according to a global study out today.
The Property Council's chief executive says groups working across the housing sector need to stop working in silos to deal with the lack of affordable houses.
These tiny houses are cheaper to rent-to-buy than renting a room in Auckland.