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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Auckland Council pensioner housing

One of New Zealand's biggest aged-care providers, Selwyn Foundation, is believed to have been picked by Auckland Council to take over managing the council's 1412 pensioner flats.

Paula Bennett talks about paying incentives

Social housing organisations which help to get their tenants off welfare or keep their children in school could be rewarded with greater funding for housing developments, Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.

More affordable housing for Christchurch

Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith announced the opening of the Hornby Project complex, an initiative being delivered by a consortium of community housing providers to provide a range of affordable housing solutions in Christchurch.

New housing areas announced for Wellington

The three new Special Housing Areas cover around eight hectares of currently underused land in Shelly Bay, Newlands and Newtown and together with the existing Shelly Bay SHA, will provide more than 330 new homes.

Proposed residential tenancy law ammendments

On 3 December the Government introduced to Parliament the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill and also released for consultation the associated proposed regulations for insulation and smoke alarms, Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith has announced.

Social housing places in Auckland boosted

New social housing originally announced in January as part of the Social Housing Reform Programme to increase the supply of housing, especially in high-demand areas like Auckland, has been announced today.