Information for a confirmed or a probable case. You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 because either:
*You have a test result that is positive for COVID-19 (this means you are a confirmed case)
*You have symptoms of COVID-19 and are a close contact of a known confirmed case (this means you are a probable case)
It is very important that you are in self-isolation and follow the instructions on this information sheet to protect yourself and others.
Wellbeing and Welfare Pack COVID-19
Lakes District Health Board acknowledges that this may be an alarming and potentially worrying time for you
COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Information for a suspected case who is not tested.
You have been seen by a doctor or nurse who thinks you have symptoms of COVID-19 but has decided not to do a test for COVID-19.
Getting the help and support you need, Everything you need to know in one place.
Learn the simple steps you can take to unite against the virus and slow its spread, see what help is available and get the latest advice and updates at
Visual Five Minute Wellbeing Planner LC
Visual Checklist Going Home Safely
COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Information for a suspected case who lives with an essential worker
What do I do whilst I wait for my COVID-19 test result?
*Whilst you wait for your result you need to continue to self-isolate at home or in another suitable place where you can stay on your own.
*If you live with someone who is an essential worker they must also stay at home (self-isolate).