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Awaiting Test Results Information

What do I do whilst I wait for my COVID-19 test result? *Whilst you wait for your result you need to continue to self-isolate at home or in another suitable place where you can stay on your own. *If you live with someone who is an essential worker they must also stay at home (self-isolate).

CHA Newsletter 23 April 2020

Video: Looking to a housing-led recovery, Preparing to move to Alert Level 3, Language resources and guidance, Upcoming sector meeting, CHA Council meeting, Video: Easing the anxiety of isolation, Fale Pasifika 0 Aoraki: the importance of maintaining contact, Lessons during lockdown: CNSST's support for tenants, Video: Auckland City Mission helping people into emergency and transitional accommodation, Christchurch Council approves up to $25 million loan for new social housing, New CEO for Lifewise.

Monte Cecilia Pandemic Article

Staff at the heart of Monte Cecilia’s Pandemic Support for Tenants - “We’re not interested in just their rent, we’re interested in their health and wellbeing.”

Te Whānau Rangimarie

Aneta Rangirangi, CEO of Auckland-based Te Whānau Rangimarie, says anxiety linked to isolation is one of the biggest issues families are struggling with under the Covid-19 restrictions.

Ōtautahi – Reducing Tenant anxiety

Community housing across New Zealand has moved into unknown territory due to the COVID-19 Alert level 4 lockdown. It is anticipated that this will be particularly relevant around the issue of tenant levels of anxiety.