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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 02 March 2021

National Māori Housing Conference 'Providing shelter and a foundation for whānau, Mahitahi Kainga Trust Kotukutuku Papakainga Opening, Community Housing Aotearoa - Interview with Newstalk ZB on Public Housing stock, Alert Levels Reimposed, Public Housing Plan 2021-2024 Released, In the News, EVENTS, Upcoming Webinar ‘Self-determined housing options for youth leaving care’ by Brook Turner, Engagement Series for Shift Aotearoa Conference, Resources.

Te Matapihi Briefing to Incoming Ministers, January 2021 (FINAL)

The catch cry of the Te Matapihi BIM is the need for “More Māori Houses” to help address the housing crisis. In other words, more housing developments led and built by Māori, more whānau supported by Māori into appropriate housing, and more houses owned by Māori. The BIM contains over 30 recommendations spanning homelessness, public housing and CHPs, home ownership, papakāinga, iwi housing and cross-sectoral issues, including recommendations to: • Initiate the ‘review and reset’ of government policy committed to by the MAIHI framework • Dedicate investment to growing Māori CHPs via the Public Housing Plan • Undertake a comprehensive review of the Kāinga Whenua Loan Scheme with Māori • Introduce at a national level a mechanism to protect the right of tangata whenua to develop papakāinga housing • Explore funding models that help to leverage Iwi investment in housing • Establish a multi-agency panel tasked with increasing Māori housing supply • Review the government’s Māori housing strategy in co-design with the Māori housing sector • Revitalise the Māori Housing Act 1935 and expand its scope • Significantly increase the level of government investment in Māori-led housing solutions.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 15 February 2021

Alert Levels Reimposed, Te Matapihi Briefing to Incoming Ministers, Welcome to Community Housing Aotearoa, Ōtautahi Community Housing Trust opens first stage of new development, Official Opening of Mahitahi Kāinga Trust’s Kotukutuku Papakāinga, New Zealand Green Building Council, Public Housing Plan 2021-2024 Released, CHA Media Release on RMA reform announcement, Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2020 - further changes now in force, The Shift Aotearoa conference 2021 | issues papers and progress, In the news, EVENTS, Resources.

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) Newsletter 2 February 2021

Research on the Accommodation Supplement finds “High Expenditure, Low Efficacy”, Home Ownership in Queenstown now Truly Affordable with Housing Trust, Public Housing Plan 2021-2024 Released, Reserve Bank of New Zealand LVR Reinstatement Submission, The Shift Aotearoa conference 2021 | engagement underway, Supported Accommodation RFP – Oranga Tamariki, In the news, EVENTS.

MR CHA Public Housing Plan 21st Jan 2021 Final

Peak housing body, Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) welcomes the updated Public Housing Plan announced today by Minister Woods, and the commitment by this Government to fix New Zealand’s housing crisis.