One of New Zealand's top housing bosses says he has had talks with Government ministers about a new scheme to help more Aucklanders into buying their own home.
Businesses struggle to attract staff as road congestion and cost of property erode city’s competitiveness. Read Shamubeel Eaqub's commentary for the NZ Herald this morning.
The New Zealand Coalition to End Homelessness believe the group of young people living in the West Auckland park are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the issue of youth homelessness in New Zealand.
Ratings agency Fitch has released its Global housing and mortgage outlook 2016 which puts New Zealand as the most expensive housing market in the world on a price to income basis.
Auckland renters are sharing bedrooms or even "hot-bedding" to cope with sky-rocketing rents - with one apartment advertising a bunk in a bedroom complete with three room mates.
CHA Director, Scott Figenshow, WCC Councillor, Paul Eagle, and Labour housing spokesperson, Phil Twyford, talk to Demelza Leslie on Radio New Zealand about the current environment in social housing.
A homeless shelter specifically for women will now be a permanent fixture in Christchurch.
A call for income-related rent subsidies to be extended to local councils has been rejected by the government as too expensive.
On 22 December Auckland Council announced the Selwyn Foundation as the new community housing partner for its portfolio of homes for older Aucklanders.
Ten new units have been developed by VisionWest Community Trust at Triangle Road, Massey in Auckland.