Resource 4: Checklist for extending bubbles at Alert Level 3.
This guidance prepared by Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) applies to activity permitted and/or advised under the Government’s Alert Level 3 response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resource 3: Checklist: shared accommodation facilities and COVID-19 at Alert Level 3.
This guidance prepared by Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) applies to activity permitted and/or advised under the Government’s Alert Level 3 response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Community Housing Providers welcome government funding to keep vulnerable people housed
Community Housing Providers are welcoming the Government’s funding boost for homelessness as a key part of an affordable housing-led economic recovery.
Guidance for your organisation operating at Alert Level 3, Government advice, New government funding to house vulnerable people, Upcoming sector meetings, Haumaru Housing - going the extra mile, In the news.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for guests/residents of shared accommodation on preventing the spread of COVID-19.
2020_03_31 Shared accomodation advice for facility operators.pdf
Lakes DHB is committed to the welfare of its staff during this unprecedented period, and you and your colleagues may experience feeling stressed. It is normal to feel this way in the current situation-it’s ok to not be ok. Lakes District Health Board recognises the far reaching impact that COVID-19 will have on staff, their whanau and family.
COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Information for a suspected case under investigation.
You have symptoms that may be COVID-19 and you are waiting for your test result and so you are considered to be a ‘suspected case under investigation’.
Information for a confirmed or a probable case. You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 because either:
*You have a test result that is positive for COVID-19 (this means you are a confirmed case)
*You have symptoms of COVID-19 and are a close contact of a known confirmed case (this means you are a probable case)
It is very important that you are in self-isolation and follow the instructions on this information sheet to protect yourself and others.