A new documentary to air on Māori Television in the lead-up to the election will address the reality of low income housing in this country in a climate of state gentrification and privatisation.
WHARE TAPA WHĀ, (loosely translated as these four walls), will screen on Monday, September 15 at 9.30pm.
It's less than a year since Auckland's first Special Housing Area was announced in Weymouth and a young family is ready to move in.
Radio New Zealand’s Auckland Correspondent, Todd Niall and Pacific Issues Correspondent Karen Mangnall investigate how the key issues facing the country's biggest city are affecting both those doing well and those struggling.
Monte Cecilia Housing Trust applauds the policy announcements made by Labour to end homelessness.
Labour has a comprehensive approach to end homelessness starting with the provision of emergency housing for 1000 people each year and putting an end to slum conditions in boarding houses, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.
Overview: This delegation represents community housing providers who want to take full responsibility for the ...
Community Housing Aotearoa is commending Presbyterian Support Otago for shining the spotlight on the deteriorating quality of the private rental market in Dunedin.
The Greens have gone "one up" on their potential Labour coalition partner with a proposal to require and fund a full warrant of fitness test for all of the country's 453,000 rental houses.
The Waimahia Inlet housing development at Weymouth consisting of 282 homes at the Government's first Special Housing Area is a flagship of the Government's new housing policies, Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith said today.
The Waimahia Inlet is a step in the right direction for community housing to deliver 20% of New Zealand’s social and affordable housing by 2020, says Community Housing Aotearoa.