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View Community Housing Aotearoa’s media releases, news, newsletters and case studies below.

CHA Level 4 guidance document 9 April

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) has put together this document to consolidate information, contacts, resources and advice to help you in your day to day service delivery and decision making. It will be updated as new information is available and Alert Levels change.

Covid-19 Community Housing Sector 9 April 2020

Update on sector issues, Upcoming meeting for housing providers, CHA guidance for housing providers during Level 4, HUD updated guidance and FAQ, Connections and community in the midst of crisis, Staff at the heart of Monte Cecilia's pandemic support for tenants, Reducing tenant anxiety, No interest loans scheme advice, Information for migrants and refugees, Understanding the social impact of Covid-19, How is your organisation maintaining services?

CHA Newsletter 6 April 2020

CHA Newsletter 6 April 2020, Progress on sector issues, Upcoming meetings for community housing providers, All of Government Welfare Factsheet, Free webinar on outbound calling, MSD guidance for foodbanks and community food services, How is your organisation maintaining services? HUD update on role and work, Kay Saville-Smith takes up HUD role, Housing in the recovery: Advancing your 'Shovel Ready' developments.

COVID-19 Community Housing Sector Update 1 April 2020

Covid-19 Community Housing Sector Update 1 April 2020, April 1 MSD Guidance: Pausing Non-Essential Placements in Transitional and Public Housing, Support for community housing providers, Website offering support, and info about food banks, CHA's role during the pandemic, Issues requiring clarification, Praise for providers' efforts during this difficult time, Government protections for tenants, Covid-19: Information for community housing providers, Importance of having a home, Interview with economist Shamubeel Eaqub, Housing in the recovery, Free job listings, News.

COVID-19 Sector Update 26 March 2020

'Letter of proof' for your organisation as an essential service, Issues requiring clarification, Government protections for tenants, Information about financial services continuing to operate, Covid-19: Information for community housing providers, News.

COVID-19 Sector Update 26 March 2020

'Letter of proof' for your organisation as an essential service, Issues requiring clarification, Government protections for tenants, Information about financial services continuing to operate, Covid-19: Information for community housing providers, News.