Last week's CHA Impact conference highlighted the work of US Pathways to Housing CEO, Sam Tsemberis.
At his speech to close the CHA-Impact 2015 Conference today Finance Minister Bill English said the country's lack of affordable housing was a financial drain on the Government.
Here is the Maori Development Ministers speech presented at the Conference yesterday.
Shamubeel Equab presented at the CHA - Impact Conference 2015.
Minister Bennett's opening speech at our Conference can be found here.
Headline on the article:"Community Housing Providers need to be sustainable businesses".
Plans to bump people off the state housing list if they turn down too many properties are "an unwarranted attack on the country's most vulnerable people", Labour housing spokesman Phil Twyford says.
Two community housing organisations have signed a formal Heads of Agreement to enhance the benefits of communities taking responsibility for social housing instead of the traditional state housing model.
Key presenter at the Community Housing Aotearoa - Impact Conference, Sam Tsemberis, talked to the media over the last few days on how we could address the homelessness issues in this country.
Legislation giving Government Ministers sweeping new powers to sell off state houses without the approval of Housing New Zealand is "unprecedented", social housing groups say.