It's the first day of winter and while some people stock up on heaters, electric blankets and duvets, hundreds of others are seeking shelter in doorways to escape the cold.
Nationally land and property developers are not building affordable housing which is why the Government could consider setting aside affordable housing zones by statute.
The permanent housing of 227 long-term homeless people in Auckland over the past year demonstrates why the Housing First programme is internationally acclaimed, Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford says.
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Chief Science Advisor to the Prime Minister Professor Sir Peter Gluckman has delivered a report into the acceptable levels of methamphetamine in contaminated Housing NZ homes.
Growing uncertainty over whether KiwiBuild can reignite the Kiwi dream of homeownership needs to be countered says The Salvation Army.
"The last few years have seen record population growth which has caused a sudden need for extra housing" said NZPIF Executive Officer, Andrew King.
The Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust marks five years of operation this May, but it is a milestone they are disappointed to be celebrating.
Andrew Eagles, CEO of the New Zealand Green Building Council, reports back on the budget lock-up.
Community Housing Aotearoa says it is vital communities don’t have to wait six more years for another development like Manukau’s Kōtuitui Place to kick off.