Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford has commissioned three of New Zealand’s leading experts to provide an independent stock take of the housing crisis.
Tenancy Services have new “Tenancy Tips” videos that want people to use. These are available on Tenancy.govt.nz, and they’re a fun and informative way to help tenants and landlords understand their rights and responsibilities when renting.
The upcoming census will garner new information on damp and mouldy housing reportedly causing 1600 New Zealand deaths every year - possibly helping to solve the problem.
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Most property speculators are New Zealanders who do not even earn the cash returns they would reap from a six-month term deposit - giving the lie to the contention they are not investing in property for capital gains says the NZ Herald reporting on recent research.
Kiwi tenants can expect stiff competition for rental properties as the number of properties to choose from has dropped 50 per cent in the past year, according to the latest Trade Me Property Rental Index.
There'll be no quick fix to Whanganui's rental housing crisis despite moves by the Government to address its causes. Salvation Army national practice manager Jono Bell said affordable rentals were hard to come by in most regions.
Fifteen hectares of unused land in the low socio-economic area of Flaxmere in Hawke's Bay will be turned into New Zealand's first indigenous co-housing development called the Waingakau Village Project.
Experts say that preconceptions about prefabrication, a construction industry who’s DNA is hard-wired to the hammer and nail, and a lack of interest from local and central government appear to be denying the country the opportunity to really tackle the housing crisis and build a lasting solution. They say technology is the answer to getting the number of houses needed.