A cautious thumbs up from one social agency, on the Government's social housing plan.
John Key has set out housing as a major focus of his third term, signalling changes to the provision of homes for the vulnerable and urgent moves to change the Resource Management Act.
People will continue to be moved out of state housing to free up accommodation for those genuinely in need, new Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett says.
Prime Minister John Key has split housing issues across three ministers as National speeds up its shift toward developing social housing by private providers and reducing reliance on state houses.
Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and 10 Council staff will be sleeping rough this weekend for a good cause.
Kathryn Ryan talks to Finance Minister Bill English and Bill Hiku Chair of the Cannons Creek Tenants Association.
The Salvation Army says it is open to the idea of buying state houses so low income families aren't put out on the street.
Campbell Live features interviews with NZ Housing Foundation and HNZC
At any one time, there are an estimated 357 homeless people in Central Auckland alone, many enduring hardships beyond the rain, wind and cold of sleeping rough. October 10 is World Homeless Day when the public are invited to learn more about this pressing issue and how they can get involved.
Here are documents on the social housing reform programme presented to the sector by Government in October 2014